Tara K. Parmiter received her B.A. in English from Cornell University and her Ph.D. from New York University, where she is a Senior Language Lecturer in the Expository Writing Program. Her research interests include children’s literature, literature and the environment, and popular culture. As a Montgomery scholar, she has presented at numerous Montgomery biennial conferences and has articles in the CREArTA special issue on Montgomery’s Interior and Exterior Landscapes (2006), L.M. Montgomery and the Matter(s) of Nature (2018), and the forthcoming L.M. Montgomery and Gender (2021). She has also published on summer vacationing in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, journey narratives in the Muppet movies, the language of intimacy in TV’s Pushing Daisies, and the green gothic landscapes of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga. With Lesley Clement, Tara is the editor of "L.M. Montgomery & Vision," a forthcoming special collection from the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.