

The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies Directory lists and provides links to all material published on the Journal website. 

Updated 20 March 2025

Journal Publications

Atkinson, Linda. "Reflections of Myself: Anne, Emily, and the Creative Spirit." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Bacaller, Sarah. "Then Anne Arrived..." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Bérard, Marie Anne. "Interweaving Paracosms." (Audio art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Birdsall, Jeanne."The Marriage Plot in L.M. Montgomery’s Emily Books, with a Guest Appearance by Robert Burns." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Brown, Jessica. "Eyes for Avonlea: How Maud Teaches Me to See the Natural World." (Creative writing). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Brown, Jessica, "The Wound of Beauty Operates in Otherwise Ways: But for Maud, 18 Ways." (Creative writing). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.

Bree, Aquinnah. "So You Think You Can Change: Life Lessons from Pat." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Caves Sr., Doug, "Maud Montgomery Imagines Anne Shirley." (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Cavert, Mary Beth, “L.M. Montgomery's Letters to Scotland: Reading Between the Lines.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Cavert, Mary Beth, “L.M. Montgomery's Picture Postcards to George Boyd MacMillan 1904–1941.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery: Vistas

Chawla, Sameera. "The Other Sara: A Creative Intervention in The Story Girl and The Golden Road." (Creative writing). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.

Churchill, Sandra. "My Life with 'Anne'—An Audiobook Narrator’s Perspective." (Audio/visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Clark, Catherine. "Creative Vision, Grief, and Memory in L.M. Montgomery’s The Blythes Are Quoted and Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.  

Collins, Carolyn Strom, “Cutting and Pasting: What L.M. Montgomery's Island Scrapbooks Reveal about Her Reading.” (Audio/visual art). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading

Dickieson, Brenton D.G., “Befriending the Darkness: LM Montgomery's Lived Theodicy in Anne's House of Dreams.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Dickieson, Brenton D.G., “Rainbow Valley as Embodied Heaven: Initial Explorations into L.M. Montgomery's Spirituality in Fiction.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Du, Yan. "Growing Up with Anne: A Chinese Adolescence." (Article). Collection: International Notes. 

Eccles, Jane. "L.M. Montgomery’s Wedding Dress." (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Epperly, Elizabeth Rollins, “Reading Time: L.M. Montgomery and the ‘Alembic of Fiction.'” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Erdmann, Susan, “Double Vision in The Blythes Are Quoted: Reading Marked External References.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision. 

Fima, Merav. "Rereading Anne in the Time of Coronavirus." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Fishbane, Melanie, J., “Two Annes, Many Annes: A Writer’s Reflection on Reading Anne of Green Gables and The Diary of a Young Girl.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.   

Frever, Trinna S. "On the Same Page: Community in L.M. Montgomery's Fiction." (Article). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Frever, Trinna S. "Seeing Female Readers, Reading Female Readers, Making Meta-Readers: Montgomery as Depictor and Creator of Scholars.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Frever, Trinna S. “Video: Seeing Female Readers, Reading Female Readers, Making Meta-Readers: Montgomery as Depictor and Creator of Scholars.” (Audio/visual art). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Garratt, James. "Lucy Maud Montgomery: Nature, Writer." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Gerson, Carole, "Patterns of Commemoration in Montgomery's Afterlife: 'We Are Not Anne of Green Gables; We Are L.M. Montgomery.'" (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Re-Vision. 

Gothie, Sarah Conrad. "'I Would Rather Lose Everything Else I Possess': Love of Nature and L.M. Montgomery's Intuitive Wellness Strategies, 1901-11." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health. 

Henry-Dawson, Ewa. "Leslie, Amy, Judy." (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Janes, Daniela. "A Cat of One's Own: The Woman Writer and the Feline Companion in Emily of New Moon." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Johnson, Anna Rose, “Winter at Twin Chimneys: A Creative Continuation of the Pat Series.” (Creative writing). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Jones, Caroline E., "Read What You Know: Nostalgia and the Discovery of Self through L.M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Re-Vision. 

Kannas, Vappu., "Rereading L.M. Montgomery's Journals: A Personal Reflection." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Re-Vision. 

Kannas, Vappu. "Taking Your Own Life Seriously." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Klein, Lori. "What Anne Taught Me About Living with Tragedy and Grief." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.

Lawrence, Heidi A. "Caught Forever in a Picture Frame: The Impact of the Gaze in Kilmeny of the Orchard." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Lawrence, Heidi A. "'Lost Laughter': Mental Health through Nature Connectedness in Magic for Marigold." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health. 

Leden, Laura. "An Anne of Green Gables Family Project: Q&A with the Swedish Translator Eva Ström." (Article). Collection: International Notes.

Leden, Laura. "Long-Awaited Retranslation of Emily of New Moon: Q&A with Finnish Translator Kaisa Ranta." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM.

Leden, Laura. “Reading as Empowerment: Lost in the Swedish Translations of L.M. Montgomery's Emily Books.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Lemm, Richard. "L.M. Montgomery Meets Milton Acorn near the Arts Centre." (Creative writing). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Levchenko, Irina. "Different Annes in Russia: Translation Stories from Post-Soviet Times." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM.

Lipinski, Joanna, "Pat, Anne, and Other Montgomery Characters in the Polish Kitchen." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM.

Mackey, Margaret. “Reading In and Out of Order: Living In and Around an Extended Fiction.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Masters, V.E.H. "This Hunger for Books." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Matsumoto, Yuko. "Revising the Japanese Translation of Anne of Green Gables: My Story." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision.

McKenzie, Andrea. “Reading Rilla through COVID-19.” (Audio/visual art). Collection: Vistas. 

McKenzie, Andrea. "Wreaths and Remembrance: Commemorating Women's War Work." (Article). Collection: Vistas.

McKinney, Kristy, and Kate Scarth, “Announcement: Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.” (News). 

Metzger, Lois. "Eyes Filled with Starlight: The Story Girl." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Mills, Claudia. "Finding My Own Blue Castle." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Moore, Amber. "Avonlea School." (Creative writing). Collection: Vistas.

Murphy, Eve. "#Maud150 Tributes: Commemorative Calendar." (News).

Newman, Gail. "My Mother Remembers." (Creative Writing). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Nikolenko, Olga, and Kateryna Nikolenko. "'We All Need Some Kind of Fairy Tale': Reading H.C. Andersen and L.M. Montgomery in Tumultuous Times." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM. 

Noomé, Idette. "Breaching the Hortus Conclusus: L.M. Montgomery's Una of the Garden and Kilmeny of the Orchard." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Re-vision.

Pass, Michael B., “Red Hair in a Global World: A Japanese History of Anne of Green Gables and Prince Edward Island.” (Article). Collection: Vistas.

Pike, E. Holly, “Past, Present, and Visual Technology in The Story Girl and The Golden Road.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Pike, E. Holly, “Reading the Book as Object and Thing in L.M. Montgomery's Emily Series.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Pollard, Alicia. “Wordsworth’s Light and Shelley’s Shadow: Revelation in L.M. Montgomery’s Anne and Emily Series.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Pratt, Barb. "A New Generation of Fans." (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Revington, Robert. "The Timing of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Tragic Death and the 1942 Canadian Conscription Plebiscite." (Article). Vistas.

Rodrigues Lopes dos Santos, Tatiane, and Eliane Aparecida Galvão Ribeiro Ferreira. "The Reception of L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables in the Brazilian Context." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM. 

Rosen, Michael J. "Indefinitely Yours: A Collage in Drawing and Prose About L.M. Montgomery." (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Ruzich, Constance M., "'I Smile for His Sake': Unmasking Grief in L.M. Montgomery's 'Our Women'." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.

Sakuma, Kazuko, “Reading L.M. Montgomery's Pat Books Out of Order: Japanese Readers, Loss, and the Possibility of New Life.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading

Scarth, Kate, and Kristy McKinney, “Announcement: Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.” (News). 

Scarth, Kate and Emily Woster, “Welcome to the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Sellers, Julie A., “‘A Good Imagination Gone Wrong’: Reading Anne of Green Gables as a Quixotic Novel.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading. 

Sellers, Julie A., "Reflections." (Creative Writing). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Re-Vision. 

Sellers, Julie A. "Threads of Dreams." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Sellers, Julie A., “Windows.” (Creative writing). Collection: Vistas

Shelby, Jennifer. "Of Daydreams and Influence." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Sheldrick Ross, Catherine, and Åsa Warnqvist, “Reading L.M. Montgomery: What Adult Swedish and Canadian Readers Told Us.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Stanskiy, Grigory. "Three Unsent Letters for Maud." (Creative writing). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Steiner, Logan. "What Memory Keeps: Telling the Story of L.M. Montgomery’s Life." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Stellings, Caroline. "Fancies." (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Stellings, Caroline. "The Old Home Calls: Maud's Places through the Seasons." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Vision.

Stone, Phoebe. "Anne!" (Visual art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery.

Spring, Erin and Ashley N. Reese. "Tending to Place: Home and Relationships in Jane of Lantern Hill." (Article). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Thomson, Heather, “On Reading L.M. Montgomery's Essays.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Tulloch, Bonnie J., “Canadian "Anne-Girl[s]": Literary Descendents of Montgomery's Redheaded Heroine.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.  

Valliere, Steve. "We Can Be." (Creative writing). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Waffle, Julene. "Impetus: In Praise of Anne of Green Gables, Lucy Maud Montgomery." (Creative writing). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Walker, Sophia. "Bringing Anne Close: Early Visualizations of Anne of Green Gables in Japan." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM.

Warnqvist, Åsa, and Catherine Sheldrick Ross, “Reading L.M. Montgomery: What Adult Swedish and Canadian Readers Told Us.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.

Wareing, Ciara. "The Everlasting Influence of L.M. Montgomery." (Reflection). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Weston, Lesli. "Sundry Scenes of Stories We Love." (Visual Art). Collection: Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery. 

Wieczorkiewicz, Aleksandra and Natália Dukátová. "Anne Shirley Goes Overseas: Translations and Reception of Anne of Green Gables in Poland and Slovakia." (Article). Collection: International Notes on LMM. 

Wipond, Michaela. "The Deadly Pestilence: Pain and Mourning in L.M. Montgomery's Pandemic Life Writing." (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.

Woster, Emily, and Kate Scarth. “Welcome to the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.” (Article). Collection: L.M. Montgomery and Reading.


In lieu of the on-site 2020 L.M. Montgomery Institute biennial conference, the L.M. Montgomery & Vision Forum hosted scholarly presentations, creative projects, information on LMMI and LMM-related projects, and virtual fun and camaraderie.

Edited by Lesley Clement and Kate Scarth.

Forum Overview

Welcome to the L.M. Montgomery & Vision Forum!  

Schedule: Launch of L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum  

Eight Welcome Letters  

Abstracts and Biographical Statements (Preliminary Program)  

L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum Announcements: Wednesday June 24, 2020 

L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum Announcements: Thursday June 25, 2020

L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum Announcements: Friday June 26, 2020 

L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum Announcements: Sunday June 28, 2020 

L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum Announcements: Saturday June 27, 2020 

Finale of the LMM & Vision 5-Day Launch 

2020 Vision Forum Publications

Akamatsu, Yoshiko, “My Turning Point: The 2008 L.M. Montgomery International Conference.” (Blog post)  

Bode, Rita, “Keynote Speaker: Lesley Clement.” (Blog post)

Bradan Press, “Cèilidh: Anna Ruadh Launch.” (Video)

Brown, Jessica, “Eyes for Avonlea: Montgomery's Affective Vision of Nature.” (Video) 

Clement, Lesley, “Just in Time for Christmas: Children's Books Inspired by Montgomery and her Novels” (Audio/visual art) 

Clement, Lesley, “LMMI: Mentorship Program.” (News)  

Clement, Lesley D., “Visual Culture, Storytelling, and Becoming Emily: An Illustrated Essay.” (Article) 

Clement, Lesley, and Brenton Dickieson, “MaudCast: Lesley Clement, Launch of the Vision Forum.” (Podcast)

Collins, Carolyn Strom, “Envisioning Anne of Green Gables: How L.M. Montgomery Shaped a Classic.” (Video)

Collins, Carolyn Strom, and Bernadeta Milewski, “2020 Virtual Tour of L.M. Montgomery Sites on PEI.” (Video) 

Dhanowa, Meriel, “Animating Anne: How Akage no Anne Recreates L.M. Montgomery's Vision Through a Visual Medium.” (Article) 

Dickieson, Brenton, and Kate Scarth, “MaudCast: Kate Scarth and the LM Montgomery Institute.” (Podcast)

Dickieson, Brenton, and Laura Leden, “MaudCast: Laura Leden, LM Montgomery and Nordic Translations.” (Podcast)

Dickieson, Brenton, and Lesley Clement,  "MaudCast: Lesley Clement, Launch of the Vision Forum.” (Podcast)

Epperly, Elizabeth, and Carolyn Epperly, "New Children's Books Inspired by L.M. Montgomery & Her Novels." (Visual Art)

Fishbane, Melanie, “The L.M. Montgomery Institute's BIPOC Resource List.” (Note) 

Frever, Trinna S., “Keynote Speaker: Kate Scarth.” (Blog post)  

Frever, Trinna S., and Kate Scarth, “The World of L.M. Montgomery & Her Fans: Sharing Your L.M.M. Story.” (News)  

George, Kallie, and Abigail Halpin, "New Children's Books Inspired by Montgomery and her Novels." (Visual Art)

George, Kallie, and Geneviève Godbout, "New Children's Books Inspired by Montgomery and her Novels." (Visual Art)

Gillespie, Alyssa M. J., “#foundlmmontgomery Challenge.” (News)  

Gubar, Marah, and Funing Yang, “Archives and Algorithms: Analyzing Anne's Monologues.” (Audio/visual art)

Haering, Heidi, and Bonnie Tulloch, “Domestic Art Project.” (Visual art).  

Hill, Kelly. "New Children's Books Inspired by L.M. Montgomery & Her Novels." (Visual art)

Janzen, Rebecca, “L.M. Montgomery, Physical Books, and the Pandemic.” (Blog post) 

Jones, Caroline E., and K.L. Poe, “Pessimism is as Pessimism Does: L.M. Montgomery and the Transformation of Experience.” (Note) 

Leden, Laura, “The Nordic Vision of L.M. Montgomery in Book Covers as Featured on Instagram.” (Article) 

Leden, Laura, and Brenton Dickieson, “MaudCast: Laura Leden, LM Montgomery and Nordic Translations.” (Podcast)

Lloyd, Simon, “Tribute to Donors.” (News)   

McDonald-Rissanen, Mary, “Emily Lives on in Finland: Two Finnish Poets Write Emily into Adulthood.” (Article)    

Milewski, Bernadeta, and Carolyn Strom Collins, “2020 Virtual Tour of L.M. Montgomery Sites on PEI.” (Video) 

Mitchell, Jean, “Jessica Brown's Workshop: Learning to See with L.M. Montgomery.” (Blog post)  

Mizutani, Toshimi, “The Japanese Translation of The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career.” (Note) 

Pike, Holly, “Keynote Speaker: Marah Gubar.” (Blog post)  

Poe, K.L., and Caroline E. Jones, “Pessimism is as Pessimism Does: L.M. Montgomery and the Transformation of Experience.” (Note)  

Project Bookmark, “Books by & about Lucy Maud Montgomery.” (News)

Robinson, Laura, “Striking a Fine Balance: A Conversation with Arnold Smith.” (Blog post)  

Roy, Wendy, “The Next Instalment: Serials, Sequels, and Adaptations of Nellie L. McClung, L.M. Montgomery, and Mazo de la Roche.” (Poster) 

Scarth, Kate, and Trinna S. Frever, “The World of L.M. Montgomery & Her Fans: Sharing Your LMM Story.” (News)

Scarth, Kate, “Exploring L.M. Montgomery's Book Covers.” (Video)  

Scarth, Kate, “The L.M. Montgomery Institute: Projects and Possibilities.” (News) 

Scarth, Kate, and Brenton Dickieson, “MaudCast: Kate Scarth and the LM Montgomery Institute.” (Podcast)  

Sellers, Julie A., “Envisioning Kindred Spirits: Anne Shirley's Imagined Community.” (Video)  

Thompson, Rebecca, “‘The Window Opens on a World of Wonder and Beauty’: Windows as the Eyes of the Soul in Montgomery's Fiction.” (Video) 

Tulloch, Bonnie J., and Heidi Haering, “Domestic Art Project.” (Audio/visual art).  

White, Evelyn C., “Amazing Grace: Aretha Franklin and Anne Shirley.” (Blog post)  

Yang, Funing, and Marah Gubar, “Archives and Algorithms: Analyzing Anne's Monologues.” (Video) 


Journal News 

Calls for Submissions

L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health, published May 6, 2020; abstract deadline February 15, 2021; final submission deadline August 2, 2021

L.M. Montgomery and Vision, published May 6, 2020, deadline December 31, 2020

Domestic Art Challenge, published May 6, 2020, deadline June 1, 2020 

Montgomery and Reading Print Issue, published January 13, 2020, deadline March 1, 2020. (News)

L.M. Montgomery & Reading, published September 22, 2019, deadline November 30, 2019. (News)

Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies Inaugural Articles, deadline September 1, 2018.

Editorial Board Profiles  

Meet Our Honorary Patron: Jane Urquhart.” (News)  

Celebrating Our Honorary Editors.” Honorary editors: Elizabeth Waterston, Mary Rubio, Elizabeth Epperly; video created by Heidi Haering (News) 

Meet the Consulting Editors: Jean Mitchell.” (News) 

Meet the Consulting Editors: Laura Robinson.” (News) 

Meet Journal Co-Editor (& Outgoing LMMI Visiting Scholar): Lesley Clement.” (News)

"Meet the New Journal Co-Editor (& LMMI Visiting Scholar): Alan MacEachern" (LMMI News)

Meet the Editorial Board: Yoshiko Akamatsu.” (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Balaka Basu." (News) 

"Meet the Editorial Board: Poushali Bhadury." (News)

Meet the Editorial Board: Rita Bode.” (News) 

Meet the Editorial Board: Holly Blackford.” (News) 

Meet the Editorial Board: Mary Beth Cavert.” (News) 

Meet the Editorial Board: Carolyn Strom Collins.” (News) 

"Meet the Editorial Board: Brenton Dickieson." (News)

Meet the Editorial Board: Melanie Fishbane.” (News) 

"Meet the Editorial Board: Dr. Sarah Galletly." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Carole Gerson." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Marah Gubar." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Yuka Kajihara-Nolan." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Deirdre Kessler." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Caroline E. Jones." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Jane Ledwell." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Jenny Litster." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Simon Lloyd." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Alexander MacLeod." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Mary McDonald-Rissanen." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Andrea McKenzie." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Idette Noome." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Tara K. Parmiter." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: E. Holly Pike." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Margaret Steffler." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Kazuko Sakuma." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Joe Sutliff Sanders." (News)

"Meet the Editorial Board: Lorraine York." (News)

"Editorial board on love & friendship.” (News)

What was Montgomery's greatest accomplishment?.” (News)

Current Staff Profiles

"Meet the Journal Team: Copyeditor Lori Mayne" (News)

"Meet the Journal's New Student Assistant: Austen Clayton" (News)

"Meet the Journal's New Editorial Assistant: Eve Murphy" (News)

Meet the L.M. Montgomery Institute’s Social Media Coordinator: Weiqi Tang.” (News)

Past Staff Profiles

"Meet the Journal Team: Journal Coordinator Katherine Stratton" (News)

"Meet the Journal Team: Editorial Assistant Barbara Rousseau" (News)

Meet the Journal's New Editorial Assistant: Alyssa Gillespie.” (News)  

Meet the Journal's New Student Assistants: Sarah Freeburn and Abbey McRoberts.” (News)

Meet the Journal's New Student Assistant: MacKenzie Cutcliffe.” (News)

#Maud150 Tributes

2024 was L.M. Montgomery’s 150th birthday! The L.M. Montgomery Institute (LMMI) at the University of Prince Edward Island celebrated with 150 tributes – celebratory statements or greetings – that reflect upon personal connections to Montgomery or on an aspect of her life, work, or legacy. 

Curated by Lesley D. Clement and Kate Scarth

Read all the #Maud150 Tributes: or check out this #Maud150 Commemorative Calendar, created by Eve Murphy.

Forum Mondays 

Forum Mondays was a Fall 2020 initiative dedicated to featuring the content posted to the 2020 Vision Forum. 

Written & curated by Lesley Clement.

How Montgomery Inspires Us During Times of Crisis.” December 14, 2020. (News)

New Montgomery Books: Translations, Spinoffs, Adaptations, and Scholarly Material.” December 6, 2020. (News)

New Content on the Vision Forum & Come to the Island.” November 29, 2020. (News)

L.M. Montgomery and Community.” November 15, 2020. (News)

L.M. Montgomery and Vision: Visual Inspirations.” November 7, 2020. (News)

Montgomery and Vision: Paratexts and the Storytelling Process.” November 4, 2020. (News)

Why L.M. Montgomery and Vision?.” October 30, 2020. (News)

Introducing Forum Mondays.” October 22, 2020. (News)


Open-Access Journal Is Published by the L.M. Montgomery Institute and Robertson Library.” June 19, 2019. (News)

UPEI: The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies launches.” June 10, 2019. (News)

CBC Covers JLMMS Launch.” June 8, 2019. (News)

Announcement: Launch of the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.” May 31, 2019. (News)

Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies Virtual Scavenger Hunt 

Interview with Zoe Kempf-Harris: The JLMMS Virtual Scavenger Hunt Winner.” October 27, 2021. (News)

JLMMS Virtual Scavenger Hunt.” August 3, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: LMMI Management Committee.” December 12, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: Emily Woster.” November 21, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: Simon Lloyd.” November 17, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: Rob Drew.” November 5, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: Alexander O'Neill.” November 1, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: Jane Ledwell.” October 25, 2021. (News)

Kindred Spirits Behind the Curtain: Philip Smith.” October 12, 2021. (News)


The Journal is 2!.” June 11, 2021. (News)

Thank You Reviewers.” May 26, 2021. (News)

Happy Holidays!.” December 22, 2020. (News)

You're Invited: Launch of the Vision Forum!.” June 13, 2020. (News)

Happy Holidays!.” December 2, 2019. (News)

Journal Launch: Editorial Board Members Respond.” October 1, 2019. (News)