Kazuko Sakuma teaches Literature and Culture of North America at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan, where she completed her M.A. and Ph.D. in Literature. She has presented and published extensively on women writers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including Willa Cather and L.M. Montgomery. She has contributed chapters to several edited collections on Montgomery, including “The White Feather: Gender and War in L.M. Montgomery’s Rilla of Ingleside” (L.M. Montgomery and Gender, 2021); “Higher Education of Women and the Lasting Popularity of Anne of Green Gables in Japan” (Reflections on Our Relationship with Anne of Green Gables: Kindred Spirits, 2021); “Reading the Pat Books Out of Order: Japanese Readers, Loss, and the Possibility of New Life” (L.M. Montgomery and Reading, 2022). Her primary research interests are gender, lookism, and translation of Montgomery’s works.
Banner Image: Derived from the cover of Mayflower Vol. XVII, no. 3, March 1901. kindredspaces.ca, P182 MF 1901.03 P.