2024 is L.M. Montgomery’s 150th birthday! The L.M. Montgomery Institute (LMMI) at the University of Prince Edward Island is celebrating with 150 tributes – celebratory statements or greetings – that reflect upon personal connections to Montgomery or on an aspect of her life, work, or legacy.
This is our final week for #Maud150 tributes, and today we have visual and musical celebrations of Montgomery from Joelle Webber and Ruth Carlyle.
Joelle Webber on Montgomery’s creative inspiration
I first read Anne of Green Gables at a formative age in my youth. The book was a precious gift. Through Anne, Lucy Maud Montgomery conveyed many wonderful life lessons. The value of my own imaginative mind was paramount. She taught me to fully appreciate, as well as gain comfort from, the beauty of my Maine woods. I took up the practice of naming treasured places, in the best language one can evoke, and realized how this makes a place sacred. I am deeply grateful for Montgomery's influence, as it informs my creative book arts work in immeasurable ways.
Joelle Webber began her journey as a book artist at age seven and now provides binding services, artist books, book crafts, and workshops based on over forty years of experience. https://www.mermaidbindery.com/
Ruth Carlyle on the music in Maud's words
There is music in the text of L.M. Montgomery. We hear the dramatic crashes of slates over heads or smashed heirloom jugs. Our ears catch echoing valleys, rustling leaves, sibilant shining waters, and waves against the shore. Montgomery's heritage dances through the rhythms in her poetry, with variations resembling the syncopation of the snatch in Scottish melodies.
I have long wanted to sing Montgomery's words and so took her 150ᵗʰ anniversary as an opportunity to commission song settings of four of her poems. I recorded the new settings, by David Barton and Tim Knight, with David Barton at the piano. These are professionally recorded, but it is a non-commercial tribute and listening includes free options such as Soundcloud and YouTube.
Thank you, Maud, for the music in your words, and we hope you would have liked our song settings.
Ruth Carlyle is a health librarian, independent scholar, singer and lyricist based in the UK.
Watch for a calendar recapping all the tributes we have published to celebrate Montgomery’s 150th birthday on Saturday, November 30th.
Thank you to all who sent us tributes and all who have been reading them since Valentines Day. You will find links here.