The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies (JLMMS) invites written papers, recorded presentations (individual or group), and creative projects based on the theme of the L.M. Montgomery Institute’s 14th Biennial Conference, “L.M Montgomery and Vision,” which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme “L.M. Montgomery and Vision” was outlined in the original conference call for papers.

Correspondence and submissions should be addressed to Dr. Lesley Clement at

Summary of Key Dates:

24-28 June 2020: Launch of the Vision Forum, which will be accessed through the JLMMS website.

15 August 2020: Abstract and biographical statement for submissions not in preliminary program due; expressions of interest for those in preliminary program due; ideas for collaborative creative projects and group recorded presentations due.

31 December 2020: Final submissions due.

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All papers and creative projects included in the preliminary program had been vetted and accepted by the conference’s review committee.

  • If your paper or creative project was NOT part of the preliminary program, please submit a 200-250 word abstract and c150-word biographical statement by 15 August 2020 (subject head: Vision Proposal).
  • If your paper or creative project was part of the preliminary program, please email an expression of interest, indicating anticipated submission date by 15 August 2020 (subject head: Expression of Interest).

All written, recorded, and creative submissions are due by 31 December 2020 at the latest (subject head: Vision Submission). For submission and technical requirements, see below.

Two L.M. Montgomery & Vision Platforms: 

There will be two platforms to feature your work.

  1. "L.M. Montgomery & Vision Forum"
  2. “L.M. Montgomery & Vision” – Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies Special Collection


1) Vision Forum:

It is understood that written submissions will come in different formats, from blogs to presentation notes to fully developed articles. After editorial approval, they will be featured on the Vision Forum, accessed through the JLMMS website. The Vision Forum will be launched 24-28 June and feature the abstracts and biographical statements of those in the preliminary program and some of the activities, celebrations, and exciting announcements we would have experienced in Charlottetown. More content – written work, recorded presentations, and creative projects – will be posted at intervals over the following few months. You will be able to include this forum participation on your CV or elsewhere. The platform can be listed as the “L.M. Montgomery Institute’s 2020 ‘L.M. Montgomery and Vision’ Forum.” If relevant to your work, your citation may include a statement such as “Accepted as a peer-reviewed conference presentation.”


Submission Types: 

Written Papers and Creative Projects: All submissions for written papers and creative projects should follow the JLMMS’s “Instructions for Contributors” and “Style Sheet,” which is based on a version of MLA 8. If you have ideas for a collaborative creative project, contact Lesley Clement by 15 August 2020. As an example, please see the “Domestic Art Challenge” that has been initiated by Bonnie Tulloch.

Recorded Presentations (Individual): Individual recorded presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes. There are many ways to record your presentation, but the simplest is through the recording device of your phone, tablet, or computer. If you wish to include slides, you might want to consider using the “Record Slide Show” function of Power Point, with visuals entirely as slides or as presenter and slides.

Recorded Presentations (Group): If you wish to record your presentation as part of a panel, please consult with Lesley Clement by 15 August 2020 (subject head: Group Presentation); these may be as originally developed in the preliminary program or newly developed by 3-4 presenters.

Submission of Recorded Material (Individual and Group): Whatever platform you record in, you will need to submit as MP4 (video) files or MP3 (audio) files.

Note: While inclusion in the Vision Forum is not a journal publication, as with the journal, authors retain copyright of their material, material will be published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (“CC-BY-4.0”), only previously unpublished material is accepted, securing of third-party permissions are authors’ responsibility, and authors reporting research involving human subjects must confirm that their research has undergone ethics review. If authors are sharing material that includes other people’s names, words, or likeness outside the scope of research (e.g., an interview in a blog post), you must obtain informed consent from these third parties to do so, and that these third parties understand how their names, words, or likeness will appear in the “L.M. Montgomery Institute’s 2020 ‘L.M. Montgomery and Vision’ Forum.” Let us know at if you have any questions!


2) “L.M. Montgomery & Vision” – Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies Special Collection
Please identify any content you wish to be featured not only on the Vision Conference page but also on the main JLMMS website and whether you wish this material to be double-blind peer reviewed. This content will also be considered for inclusion in a print issue of the JLMMS on “L.M. Montgomery and Vision.” To be considered by the editors, the submissions must reflect the JLMMS’s Aims and Scope and may include the following: longer versions of conference papers in which the scope, research, and content have been expanded beyond a conference paper; recorded presentations (individual or group) that have been enhanced (for example, with a moderator’s introduction, with commentary between panel members and/or other scholars, with a Q&A); creative a/v and written projects that express the theme of Montgomery and Vision in a unique and significant way.




Looking for Other Ways to be Involved?

Check out the Domestic Art Challenge

See the call for our next collection: Montgomery and Mental Health