The subject is a young woman, Lucy Maud Montgomery, lying on a sun-dappled lawn as she reads a book in front of a green-gabled country house. She pauses, gazing out toward the viewers and seemingly beyond as she first imagines the character and stories of Anne Shirley, a.k.a Anne of Green Gables.
A young L.M. Montgomery pauses as she imagines the invention of Anne Shirley.


Bio: Doug Caves Sr. is a representational painter based in North Central Massachusetts. His paintings explore the interplay of light and shadow on both the natural and human-made environment, creating a sense of time and atmosphere. Caves is inspired by the New England area, where he finds abundant subject matter that reflects a complex subtlety and mood. Caves works with acrylic paints, which he finds versatile. Their fast-drying properties lend themselves to his process of building layers of transparent colour to create luminosity in areas and creating a tension with more opaque areas on the canvas.

Doug’s paintings are expressions of his affinity for painting itself. “I paint because it allows me to communicate ideas and feelings that my words cannot capture. I use composition as a tool to support and enhance the tone of my paintings and to invite the viewer in to pause and contemplate the piece,” says Caves. “My paintings are not representations of reality, but rather, interpretations of it.”

Doug Caves is represented by The Portland Art Gallery, 154 Middle Street, Portland, Maine, and the Copley Society of Art, 158 Newbury Street, Boston, Massachusetts.