The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies, a peer-reviewed publication of the L.M. Montgomery Institute at the University of Prince Edward Island, invites scholarly articles and creative work (written, visual, or audio-visual) on the topic of “L.M. Montgomery and Mental Health.” The focus may be on Montgomery’s art (fiction, poetry, life-writing, photography), adaptations of her art, and/or her life. All of these have helped the mental well-being of readers throughout the world during times of turbulence and calm, crisis and peace, through example, motivation, and inspiration. They have also helped us rethink or reframe mental health in a multitude of ways.

Deadline: Abstracts due 15 February 2021; Submissions due 2 August 2021

The theme of “L.M Montgomery and Mental Health” can be explored in relation to the following topics and approaches, among others:

  • Historical and current attitudes to mental health and mental illness, sanity and insanity, normalcy and abnormalcy
  • (Perceived) causes of mental health and mental illness
  • Historical and retrospective diagnosing and labelling of mental illness
  • Depictions of mental disabilities
  • Deviance
  • Suicide
  • Addictions
  • Reading and mental health
  • Imagination and mental health
  • Nature and mental health
  • Religion and mental health
  • Gender and mental health
  • Loss/grief and mental health
  • Creative expressions of grief, suffering, trauma
  • Mental health during times of crisis (e.g. pandemics, war)
  • Identity and personhood
  • Self-love and self-care
  • Vulnerability
  • Children/youth and mental health
  • Geriatrics and mental health
  • Comparative studies (with other writers) are also welcome

Abstracts (250-300 words) for both scholarly articles and creative work are due by 15 February 2021. You will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted by the first of April. Final submissions are due by 2 August 2021. To be considered by the editors, the submissions must reflect the JLMMS’s Aims and Scope. Please indicate whether you want your submission to be double-blind peer reviewed. All submissions for written papers and creative projects should follow the JLMMS’s “Instructions for Contributors” and “Style Sheet,” which is based on a version of MLA 8.

Questions, abstracts, and completed papers should be directed to the co-editors of this collection, Dr. Lesley Clement and Dr. Jean Mitchell, at (subject head: Montgomery and Mental Health).




Other opportunities:

Check out the Domestic Art Challenge

See another active call for submissions: Montgomery and Vision