Join the Found L.M. Montgomery community where we share your sightings of L.M. Montgomery in the wild! Read more about what we do and how you can get involved!
This project began when the words of Anne Shirley appeared on the “wall of gratitudes” in a Charlottetown yoga studio. This encounter with Anne outside of the pages of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables sparked an idea in Dr. Kate Scarth, an idea to share such encounters with other Montgomery fans and create a space that demonstrates how Montgomery’s legacy has lasted and been reimagined through the years. Kate shared her concept with me, and together we built the bones of what is now @foundlmmontgomery. I currently run the Instagram account, filter the content, and engage with followers when the opportunity arises!

We launched the Instagram page on 30 April with a call for “sightings of L.M. Montgomery in the wild.” While the page is still in its infancy, we are proud to have sixty-six followers and consistent engagement with our thirteen posts. Currently our top post, at fifty-four likes, highlights the portrayal of Montgomery on the Canadian show Murdoch Mysteries. Television is only one of many places Montgomery can be found. She can also be found in retellings of her novels, in other contemporary novels, in art, in quizzes, on the windows of businesses, and that is only to name a few examples!

The goal was to create a space where people could easily find fragments of Montgomery’s legacy, but it has become clear that @foundlmmontgomery is a living and breathing archive of Montgomery’s legacy. She continues to thrive seventy-eight years after her death.
This project requires your keen eyes: Montgomery must always be on the tip of the brain in order to recognize her characters in the shop window or notice Anne of Green Gables in the Netflix series Stranger Things. This project functions best as a community project, and for this to be a true community project, we need your participation!

For the 2020 L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum, we are challenging all of you to join the @foundlmmontgomery community and share your findings of Montgomery with us either by tagging us, DMing us (@foundlmmontgomery), or using our hashtag (#foundlmmontgomery). To kickstart this community engagement, which we hope will continue long after the Forum, we are establishing a mini challenge for five days (June 24–28) with a goal of receiving ten submissions a day (for an overall goal of fifty) and to reach a hundred followers. So, start searching and stay tuned to see what we are sharing!