“It’s the birthday of our happiness, said Anne softly.”

(Anne of the Island Chapter 41)

What's New This Year?

The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies has been celebrating Montgomery’s 150th birthday in so many different ways.

There are the #Maud 150 Tributes – celebratory statements or greetings reflecting upon personal connections to Montgomery or on an aspect of her life, work, or legacy – that have been posted and promoted on Facebook, Instagram/Threads, and X (Twitter) since early in February and will continue coming out every Monday until the final week in November, with a grand finale planned for Montgomery’s birthday, Saturday, November 30.

Work is also underway with the “#Maud 150: Back to the Future” collection. Co-editors Lesley Clement, Kate Scarth, Abby Chandler, and Mina Mollaie have vetted abstracts and are looking forward to reading full papers this fall.

The “Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery” collection, co-edited by Liz Rosenburg and Kate Scarth, was recently launched with the publications and art works listed below. This special collection includes artists responding to the work of Montgomery, from Aretha Franklin to Mark Twain, from music performances to paintings and writings by fellow authors.

On June 26, 2024, the Royal Canadian Mint launched a coin to commemorate Montgomery’s 150th birthday. Here is a version of the remarks delivered at the launch event at Green Gables Heritage Place by Kate Scarth, editor of the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.

And just a reminder of the call-for-papers for the conference-themed collection, “Politics of Home,” co-edited by Caroline Jones and Holly Pike. Abstracts are due September 15, 2024.

This year has seen new content added to the Vision, Mental Health, Re-vision, and International Notes collections and the launch of the Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery collection. New content is announced and promoted on our Instagram, Threads, Facebook, and X (Twitter) platforms (see links below).

New Publications

Montgomery and Vision

Montgomery and Mental Health

Montgomery and Re-vision

International Notes

Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery

In Progress & Ongoing

L.M. Montgomery: Vistas Collection

Online: ongoing


Writers and Artists Respond to L.M. Montgomery, 2024

Online: ongoing

Maud Montgomery Imagines Anne Shirley


L.M. Montgomery & Re-vision Collection, 2022

Online: ongoing

Print: in progress

black and white image of Montgomery seated in a kitchen


International Notes on L.M. Montgomery, 2022-23

Online: ongoing

Black-and-white book cover with Anne in braids and straw hat.


L.M. Montgomery & Mental Health Collection, 2021

Online: ongoing


L.M. Montgomery & Vision Collection, 2020

Online: published

Print: in progess

Book cover of Anne of Green Gables. Anne is centred, wearing a white dress and hat sitting on boxes. The background is yellow



Banner Image: Harvest Scene, Prince Edward Island, 1906. Ryrie-Campbell Collection, kindredspaces.ca, 1001.SI.LMMGBM.PC.018a.

image of a sea shore on PEI at sunset

The JLMMS Accepts Submissions Year Round

See Information for Contributors and Aims & Scope Statements for more information.

Have an article to submit? Interested in serving as a peer reviewer?
Email montgomeryjournal@upei.ca